Sunday, October 6, 2013

A Church Loving Family

From Dora Baty Argyle
One of our other prayers were answered when one Sunday we were attending conference in Soda Springs.  Doyle was called to go on a mission.  We had always hoped he would go but when he didn't before he got married we gave up the idea.  We were so happy over this even though it did mean leaving his wife and little girl, Julie.  He left for Salt Lake City, Utah on 8 May 1954 and he has labored in Norfolk, Virginia and Fayetteville, North Carolina.  He has been out for four months and was made Branch President.  We are very proud of our son and the fine job he is doing on this mission but we are looking towards the day he will be home, May 1956.
(1954 Joyce, Doyle, and Julie Argyle)
Alene brings much joy to us and she is now thirteen years of age.  All of my life so far has been made rich by the lives of my husband and family.  I enjoyed all of them.  I was Young Women's President in the M I A and Primary President for three years.  I now teach in Sunday School and Primary and love every minute of it.
(1954 Alene Argyle)
My life has also been made full by the work my husband does in the church.  Much joy came into our home when he served two terms in the Stake Mission.  He is now second counselor in the bishopric to Joseph Eliason.  All our married life we have been good companions to each other and our children's joys and sorrows are also ours.
(1954 Delbert Argyle)

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