Thursday, August 15, 2013

Out on the Farm

Excerpt from Doyle Argyle
As time went on each of us chose out mates and went our separate ways and my Dad gave me an important opportunity when he said, “If you want to stay here and farm with me you’re welcome to do so”.  This I did.  We spent more than forty years sharing and planning and farming together.  Experiencing the cousins coming and staying and working on the farm during the summer time as Delbert Perkins mentioned he used to come when he was only four years old and stay all summer long and it was a great time.  Vern and Ruth Jackman and their boys used to come and spend time at our ranch moving pipe and so on. This moving pipe showed great foresight of my dad as well.
(1964 Doyle and Delbert Argyle)
Excerpts from a 1966 Newspaper Article
Del Argyle, right, and son, Doyle, seated, Chesterfield farmers, are both high in their praise of this new Gleaner C-II 18-ft combine, which they purchased this fall from Caribou Motor and Implement Co.
"There are many good features I like about this unit," Doyle said, "but most of all, I'm particularly impressed with its ease of handling.  It's balanced well and responds well in just about any kind of terrain you might be cutting in.  It's also a real 'workhorse'," he went on.  "We traded in two combines when we got this one and I'll be frank in saying that before we started, I was a little dubious about whether or not we were going to be able to do all of our cutting with only one combine.  It didn't take us long to find out, though, that we didn't have anything to worry about, because as it turned out, we were able to cut every bit as much with this one outfit as we were both of our other ones together."
" Doyle's right," Del added.  "We cut about 1200 acres this fall with this unit and averaged about 250 bushels an hour with it.  I, too, am very pleased with the easy way it handles, and the surprisingly low maintenance cost we've had on it so far," he concluded.
Doyle and Del are only two of the many from all over the country who have heaped praise on this Gleaner C-II.  "Giant of the Harvest" is the name that big farmers, ranchers and custom operators have put on this big-capacity leader.  The C-II is available with a variety of headers in sizes that adapt it to acreages of all sizes...
Del and Doyle are presently farming approximately 2000 acres in the Chesterfield area, most all of which is in wheat and barley.
Both Del and Doyle are natives of the area.  Del and his wife, Dora reside in Bancroft, and Doyle and his wife, Joyce, and their two girls, 13 and 7, live on the Argyle farm, which is located 7 miles north and 2 miles west of Bancroft

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