Thursday, September 19, 2013

Skiing and Sledding

Notes From Doyle Argyle
Some of Delbert Argyle’s early childhood was spent racing horses, playing in the snow, skiing and sled riding on the old Kynaston hill as many of you remember out on the flat.  Most of these skis, sleds, toboggans and things were home made.  Some of the Kynaston boys became very skilled in making skis.  I remember their well house, which was made of logs.  Above one of the doors there was a gap between the door seal and the top log.  It was just right to soak these skis and put them in there to turn the tips so they made a decent tip to ride down the hill with.  Much of my early memories of having fun with my dad was going to the Kynaston hill and sledging and skiing down this hill.  It wasn’t long and it wasn’t far to climb up and come back down again.  This is what made it fun.
(1915 Delbert Kynaston Argyle)

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